でも、悪とは何ですか?社会の法律を破る事ですか?でも、その法律は全然完璧じゃありません。毎日犯罪者は自由に外を歩きながら、無罪の人を間違いのせいで間違えて監獄に行かせています。そして法律その物は時々不当です。例えば、アメリカで同性愛者は今でも結婚することが出来ないし、ところてん式に被差別をさせる裁判所と警察も存在します。こんなシステムでは、正義は不確 かになります。
I feel that I've come quite a long way since I resolved to write descriptive blogs about challenging topics; I've received quite a few compliments from people in class and people on lang-8 regarding my writing, and I feel confident that I can actually express even relatively complex concepts using my Japanese (this entry about justice is of particular note).
Now, I would like to focus on eliminating careless errors and other problems that would affect the readability of my work. For example, particles are always an issue in complex sentences, and when I use new vocab sometimes I struggle to make the lines natural.
So my new goal will be to write blog posts that are error free and still achieve my goal - in other words, a post that gets no corrections on lang-8 (other than things like minor rephrasing). I've done it a few times before, but it would be nice to get them in consecutive strings, wouldn't it?
- Evan